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Masks on masks off , qr coding no qr coding, lockdowns no lockdown, demos ok demos not okay violent police non violent police
All it is is pulling an angry dogs chain to get his attention and make him angrier and to take his attention away from the the real issues which is world domination and control of the masses through micro chipping
The only way to stop it is to say NO
CDC Now Treats Unvaccinated The Same As Un-Boosted, Just As DeSantis Predicted
DECEMBER 31, 2021
The CDC is moving goalposts again, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot.
Granted that speculation of 'when' exactly is arguable, the essence of this teaching from the Bible is well substantiated in terms of events and signs. Those who profess Christ as Lord should study it for themselves because at worst you will be aware that these times are clearly described in the Bible, and at best you will reconsider how exactly you are redeeming your time and are in the faith in preparation for the return of Christ and Christians being gathered up to be with him.
Kevin Hoyt
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