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Freaking out right now. Uncle had a fall and has been rushed to hospital. They wont let family in. Want to give him a covid test because he has symptoms even though its not he has a cold. If it comes back positive they will try to kill him with remdeathisnear. That test better be negative!!!!! This and the intubation and ventilation is what kills people. He turned 70 on Boxing day so he is in the age range they love to kill off. Who would have thought a trip to the hospital these days comes with so much risk. — Feeling Very sad
If the power goes out for a substantial amount of time, are you prepared?
This would mean no access to the following;
Water, Food, Cooking, Petrol, Lighting, Refrigeration, Air conditioning (heat/cold), Waste disposal, Communications - could you charge your phone?
There are many things you can do to prepare for such things as having alternative cooking, water sources, transport, methods to store food, knowledge to dispose of waste etc. I think this will be the year due to weather and biblical events to consider if you are prepared for what could transpire. I will post some helpful links and pages below. Feel free to add any tips.
COVID-19 Genetic Vaccine Safety in Children