To all sovereign people i say thank you for giving me hope . Thank you for doing the hard yards that no one counts. I am grateful to be apart of something that has the potential to change the future for our children and their children after that. Thank you for giving me something to belong to when everything else seems to have gone adrift . I am grateful to be alive and awake during this period of history.. i will give myself in order to honour those who have gone before us . Lest we Forget
Give me the courage to take a step

Stay strong my brothers and sisters
The spoils of victory await our people xo

How's the V working out for you?



Over 80% of all new cases are in the double vaxxed. FACT!

Jilli Diana changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Jilli Diana changed her profile picture
3 yrs




We all know whats actually going on in the world and we have all seen people in other countries talk. In this video I talk about our situation in Australia and the Pfizer document that gave rise to the situation we find ourselves in currently.
Please give honest feedback so i can improve each time i do one of these which I hope to be weekly, I have so much stuff in my head it needs to get out or i will go mad.