

We all know whats actually going on in the world and we have all seen people in other countries talk. In this video I talk about our situation in Australia and the Pfizer document that gave rise to the situation we find ourselves in currently.
Please give honest feedback so i can improve each time i do one of these which I hope to be weekly, I have so much stuff in my head it needs to get out or i will go mad.



Can't wait for the Triple Jabbers to be labelled Anti Vaxxers......... wait for it.

Nazzie Nu changed her profile picture
3 yrs


image I said "I can not believe the crap I put up with from a person" today in a conversation my friend said "can I rephrase that sorry but you have gone through"
As she spoke these words to me I felt the lesson from this experience. These lessons are still fresh and raw but I have already grown evolved I just need to sit and allow myself to feel all that it is
