Lioness shared a post  
3 yrs

Just sayin'......... They also control the "entertainment" industry, media and pornography. Anyone that watches porn is helping to enable one of the biggest social degradation experiments in the history of man. It is an industry rife with sex trafficking and abuse. There is NO place of it in a normal functioning soyciety so quit that ****. Your ignorance is make them billions. Epstein, Heffner all Jew agents to make as many people degenerate as possible and the higher up to blackmail with.

3 yrs

All of them. Zionists.


Masks? Paper ones only filter out 20 microns even a N95 only filters out .300 microns!
Guess how big a virus is? .135 microns!
It is like trying to stop mosquitoes with chicken wire???????
And your rebreathing your own toxins which are meant to be expelled not rebreathed
You would be a dumbarse to do that
I see a lot of dumbarses on the street


Deadly Inoculation Lot Numbers IDENTIFIED, Still in Circulation!

Friend of mine got sick last week and got a test done, was only sick for 2 days, just normal flu, the test came back positive, this was in cairns, what a crock of ****, now gotta home quarantine for 7 days ????

The testing clinics have been closed, and a lot of people are getting their 2nd and booster shot, watch covid spread like wild fire now, also the pcr tests are being sent with a positive result already on it in areas where they need to panic everyone into complying

All of them. Zionists.


All of them. Zionists.


All of them. Zionists.


All of them. Zionists.


So much for protection.
