Vic Walsh changed her profile picture
3 yrs


Knowing your rights is very powerful. It is powerful because you then have control.
The government bodies around the world have tried to treat their people like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed on sh*t in a nutshell...

They don't want a society that knows we don't have to pay #tax or fines, they want everyone dumbed down, in debt and reliant on them, because this way they have the control... Plenty of people think I wear a tin foil hat, and that is ok by me...

How many people, yourself included, know that personal tax is voluntary?? Yes, many taxes are mandatory, but personal tax isnt one of them....

Steven Smith changed his profile picture
3 yrs


Despina Thornton changed her profile picture
3 yrs


IVF clinics are having a spike in problems. This article is pretty interesting for pregnant or becoming pregnant women, And hiding the fact these issues are happening


Lioness shared a post  
3 yrs

Just sayin'......... They also control the "entertainment" industry, media and pornography. Anyone that watches porn is helping to enable one of the biggest social degradation experiments in the history of man. It is an industry rife with sex trafficking and abuse. There is NO place of it in a normal functioning soyciety so quit that ****. Your ignorance is make them billions. Epstein, Heffner all Jew agents to make as many people degenerate as possible and the higher up to blackmail with.

3 yrs

All of them. Zionists.
