Merry Christmas everyone

Worldbridger shared a post  
3 yrs

Hey you true Sovereign Folk.
Hard goin as myself. Ya not the lone ranger.
And best we all harden the **** up.
The Gov. crimes against humanity will continue to infringe upon our Civil Liberties. Unlawful.!
The old sayin... And they meant it.!
"Give em an inch and they'll take a Mile"
How Apt of all GOV. Treacherous Totalitarianism.
Against the people who pay their way.
Think about that for a day if needed.......
Hey hows this,,,
" There is none so blind
As those who Will!... Not to see "
Let that sink in. . .
This is our Family.


Does it seem to anyone else a really big coincidence that Mark McGowan announces Wednesday that there will be a mandated third killer jab, just before Christmas when everyone is busy, then Thursday blames a fictitious backpacker for making everyone wear masks - just to silence everyone and stop the backlash. He is more cunning than we give him credit for.

Here's an idea WA - stop wearing masks! Otherwise we are helping their war! We can't keep going along with it.

Noni Collins changed her profile picture
3 yrs


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