Any update on the apple app version??

3 yrs

She totes did


so the novacs thing is merely a diversion to take attention away from the release of new restrictions?????? It's all smoke and mirrors folks the real agenda is total control of the population through qr coding and micro chipping. Everything else is smoke and mirrors


Help wanted. I am looking for an unvaccinated primary care doctor who believes in early treatment for Covid to join my team. Flexible hours. I have thousands of patients looking for a new PCP… you will be busy! My clinic is located in Houston. #jobsearch


She totes did


Here is a little eye opener into wearing masks
Q1 Why wear a mask?
A1 To filter out a virus!

Q2 How many microns is a virus?
A2 0.125 Microns

Q3 How many microns are paper mask?
A3 20 Microns!

Q4 How many microns is a N95 mask?
A4 0.300 microns!

Q5 Is there any point in wearing a mask?
A5 Yes to identify people who have not done any research on the subject!

Bren Edge 0438785083
Happy to talk about it

The benefits of drinking lemon water first thing in the morning

Keep the movement alive, I was shadow banned on fascist book and blocked many times. I'm shutting the door on them.

Moira Somerset changed her profile cover
3 yrs
