Operation Mockingbird media & entertainment corporations control information. Mind control. They control collective consciousness through
• TV waves are alpha waves, hypnotise into receptive passive state.
• Music – full of satanic messages & mind controlled “stars”
• Games – Encourage violence, acceptability of killing via drones etc, at a distance without morals using gamer handsets
• 5G microwave radiation used as a weapon to bring about a huge Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to control us.
• Alexa, Siri, Echo & devices record data which is fed into AI
Q anon a NSA & Military Intelligence psyop which releases some truth to direct the narrative. Focusing on signs that they taking down the cabal serves to keep many disempowered & awaiting a saviour other than themselves.
The antidote is BE authentically you. Without needing to be rescued. Create with full responsibility your unique path forward.
It’s time to remember we each came here to BE the solution & live our truth