The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Portable Electric Bike for Commuting.pdf

The Future of Pleasure: Remote Control Vibrators in None Industry.pdf

Accelerate Your Recovery with These Pro Tips for Industry Pros.pdf

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Exploring Sustainable Materials and Eco-Friendly Options for Modern Sofas in Industry None.pdf

De Argentijnse beerput van Oranje

Historicus Hans Vogel werpt in een nieuw boek licht op de vele dubieuze connecties van de koninklijke familie én de Nederlandse regering met de Argentijnse dictator Videla en Máxima’s vader Jorge Zorreguieta. Ook onthult hij dat Joris Demmink nauwe banden had met Bernard en Juliana.

De ex-topambtenaar Joris Demmink, in het verleden beschuldigd van seksueel kindermisbruik, stond “op zeer intieme voet met de koninklijke familie”. Dit is een van de onthullingen die Argentinië-kenner Hans Vogel doet in zijn nieuwe boek Argentinië, land van vlees en bloed. Bij een ontmoeting die Vogel had met Demmink op de Nederlandse ambassade in Buenos Aires, vertelde Demmink “allemaal vertrouwelijke anekdotes over Juliana en Bernhard, de één nog gênanter dan de andere”, zegt Vogel in een interview met De Andere Krant. “Alleen een echte intimus kan zulke details weten.” Volgens Vogel sprak Demmink “respectloos” over Juliana.


The Goblet of Truth, now from now on when I return from my rest, is what will be decisive in the continuation of the teaching of life, the teaching of the energy of Creation, in other words, perhaps it will be the outcome of the teaching, I will soon see what I can post More, maybe I'll go to the archive to look for more relevant subjects, then I'll see what else can be taught, it's been a good few years here, but as the saying goes, TO STOP IS TO DIE, and we don't want that, do we? I don't know if I'll still be here tomorrow, given that my contract ends tomorrow, even so, maybe from the 27th of this month onwards, I'll be back, one day or another. I'm readjusting the internet, as it's not regularized and with the time I put it up, it always ends up with interruptions. I don't have fixed internet, I have a rechargeable internet from time to time, that is, as financial circumstances allow, and sometimes it fails, and I end up interrupting it, like now, I don't like it like this, and so that this doesn't happen again , I have to adjust it differently. This is the reason for this interruption, and I take the opportunity to think about how to continue, and what I will also post, only more relevant subjects, without policies, among other things with little relevance to teaching, were warnings, and human errors, but like all this already has been exposed, now I will focus more on technological matters, explorations, and teaching or science itself, etc., leaving out the current War, and only the history will remain in observations.etc SALOME




The Rise of Non-Toxic Tattoo Ink in the Beauty Industry.pdf

Goblet of Truth «- Chapter 3
In the name of the truth of the
laws and recommendations
of the primal power (Creation)

112) As for those who are unknowing in the truth and the truth-teaching of the prophets, you shall not accept either gold or other values from them if they, in their wanting to buy themselves free from the bad of their unknowledge, are giving it as ransom; truly, it is not possible to free oneself from the bad and pangs of conscience, from vices and lapses by performing penitence (atonement) and by making a penitential payment (indulgence/fine/ransom), because liberation from this can only come about through an elimination (no repetition) of the fallibilities (errors) and, if necessary, by an appropriate fulfilment of guidelines; if priests and other servants of tin gods and servants of gods accept penitence (atonement) and a penitential payment (indulgence/fine/ransom) then they are doing not right and are only interested in robbing their believers, because they cannot guarantee forgiveness for the bad and guilt or for vice and lapses either through penitence (atonement) or through a penitential payment (indulgence/fine/ransom), because forgiveness can only be granted by those who committed the bad and lapses themselves and have loaded the guilt or vice on themselves, as well as by those who had to suffer under them.

Kelch der Wahrheit - Abschnitt 3
Im Namen der Wahrheit der urkräftigen
(schöpferischen) Gesetze und Gebote

112) Die aber in der Wahrheit und der Wahrheitslehre der Propheten unwissend sind, so sollt ihr weder Gold noch andere Werte von ihnen annehmen, wenn sie sich damit als Lösegeld von ihren Übeln ihres Unwissens freikaufen wollen; wahrlich, nicht ist es möglich, durch einen Bussgang (Busse tun) und durch ein Bussgold (Ablass/Bussgeld/Freikaufen) sich zu befreien von Übeln und Schuld, von Lastern und Fehltritten, denn eine Befreiung davon kann nur werden durch eine Beseitigung (keine Wiederholung) der Fehlhaftigkeiten (Fehler) und allenfalls durch eine angemessene Massnahmevollziehung; nehmen Priester und sonstige Götzendiener und Götterdiener Bussgang (Busse tun) und Bussgold (Ablass/Bussgeld/Freikaufen), dann tun sie unrecht und sind nur auf Raub aus an ihren Gläubigen, denn wahrlich können sie weder durch Bussgang (Busse tun) noch durch Bussgold (Ablass/Bussgeld/Freikaufen) Vergebung gewähren für Übel und Schuld oder für Laster und Fehltritte, denn Vergebung können nur jene sich selbst erteilen, welche die Übel und Fehltritte selbst begangen und die Schuld oder Laster auf sich geladen haben, nebst jenen, welche darunter zu leiden hatten.

The book of the entire Teaching of the Prophets - Buch der gesamten Lehre der Propheten

Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)


Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion
