I am not here to please people. Not to Get likes or display some form of egotism. The truth is never pleasing. People prefer a sweet lie over the bitter truth. I aim to share these things with you, so you can make decisions and draw your own conclusions. Don’t just repeat their narrative until you have found your own. Use your voice and not theirs.

Hi all, I have just joined truthbook, I’m one of the awakened ones,
Sadly I spend more time in Facebook jail then online my post are heavily censored,
So I’m hoping I can get my messages of need out here,
Please may I request friendships when I visit pages,
I will start posting as soon as I work the site out
And if you don’t like my posts and don’t want to accept my friend request I understand
A blessed and safe Christmas and a blessed new year to all

Russ H changed his profile picture
3 yrs

AllyJ changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Shannon-Lee moess changed her profile picture
3 yrs

AllyJ changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Munga changed his profile picture
3 yrs

Kerrie Ribergaard changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Donna Barpalias changed her profile picture
3 yrs

