Got memes? Post them on this thread.


Got memes? Post them on this thread.


The lies again thank goodness his wife cleared it up imagine how much lower they are prepared to go to keep this anti vaxxx bull going and fear spreading..
Metro u should be ashamed ?


The lies again thank goodness his wife cleared it up imagine how much lower they are prepared to go to keep this anti vaxxx bull going and fear spreading..
Metro u should be ashamed ?


The lies again thank goodness his wife cleared it up imagine how much lower they are prepared to go to keep this anti vaxxx bull going and fear spreading..
Metro u should be ashamed ?


#freedom #intentionalcreativity
Hi Everyone ? this is my first share here.
This is my last painting for 2021 which I've called Abundant Mother.
The canvas is infused with a powerful declaration of freedom - may we all exercise our rights and freedoms liberally and abundantly!!!
*** p.s. the video of my intention comes with a loud dance sound warning ?

Noni Collins added new photos to Gallery
3 yrs

#freedom #intentionalcreativity
Hi Everyone ? this is my first share here.
This is my last painting for 2021 which I've called Abundant Mother.
The canvas is infused with a powerful declaration of freedom - may we all exercise our rights and freedoms liberally and abundantly!!!
*** p.s. the video of my intention comes with a loud dance sound warning ?


