Contact Report 721
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)

235. I must say, however, that it is regrettable that you and Guido had to promise to him, during his lifetime not to mention his name and his written works, which has extraordinarily good evidence-facts
236. Unfortunately, however, the man also withholds that of your information made known to him, which should actually be mentioned openly with regard to the entire origin of the history of Jmmanuel.
237. If one has a close look at the life history of Mohammed, then it must also be said concerning this, that there is hardly a true word in all that which is supposedly 'handed down' about him, for just as with Jmmanuel, all around no one was knowledgeable in writing and written language, except his first wife, the widow Chadidscha.
238. She was a member of the highly respected Quraish tribe and heiress of a caravanserai and a trading business in Mecca.
239. At first, under her matriarchy, Mohammed did various works for her, before they got together and married, after which she appointed him as a business partner.

235. Sagen muss ich dazu aber, dass es bedauerlich ist, dass du und Guido ihm zusagen mussten, zu seiner Lebzeit seinen Namen und sein Schreibwerk nicht zu nennen, das ausserordentlich gute Beweisführungs--Fakten aufweist.
236. Leider verschweigt der Mann aber auch jene deiner ihm gegenüber kundgegebenen Angaben, die hinsichtlich des gesamten Ursprungs der Geschichte von Jmmanuel eigentlich offen genannt werden müssten.
237. Wird die Lebensgeschichte von Mohammed in Augenschein genommen, dann ist auch hierzu zu sagen, dass an all dem, was über ihn angeblich ‹überliefert› ist, kaum ein wahres Wort besteht, denn ebenso wie bei Jmmanuel war rundum niemand der Schrift und Schriftsprache kundig, ausser seiner ersten Frau, der Witwe Chadidscha.
238. Sie war Angehörige des sehr angesehenen Stammes der Quraisch und Erbin einer Karawanserei sowie eines Handelsgeschäftes in Mekka.
239. Erst verrichtete Mohammed unter ihrem Matriarchat verschiedene Arbeiten für sie, ehe sie sich zusammenfanden und ehelichten, wonach sie ihn zum Geschäftsteilhaber ernannte.

Seven Hundred and Twenty-first Contact Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)
Pages: 394–463 [Contact No. 710 to 722 from 11.09.2018 to 08.08.2019] Stats | Source
Date and time of contact: Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator, Stefan Zutt, Bruce Lulla, Mariann Uehlinger
Date of original translation: Monday, 3rd April 2021
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)



"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Contact Report 721
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)

232. In Jmmanuel's case, only Judas Ischkerioth was well versed in writing, however neither any female nor male member of his discipleship, which included more persons than just the twelve listed in the New Testament, which is full of inventions, falsifications, wrong commemorative-claims, interpretations, and lies.
233. In addition, the individual chapters, assertions/claims and 'recollections', etc. of this work of lies were not written until many years after his flight, by scribes, and moreover were written in a further falsifying wise through their own additional interpretations and partly also attributed to former disciples, who, however, never took part in such writings and thus did not provide any information whatsoever, out of which the work of lies called New Testament then arose.
234. For the purpose of rectification, you indeed have also given … … the various necessary details and explanations, wherethrough he has carried out relevant investigations, but is also how he found out much of the actual truth and was also able to record it in writing.

232. Bei Jmmanuel war einzig Judas Ischkerioth des Schreibens kundig, jedoch weder ein weibliches noch männliches Mitglied seiner Jüngerschaft, die mehr Personen umfasste als nur die Zwölf, die im Neuen Testament aufgeführt werden, das voller Erfundenheiten, Verfälschungen, falschen Erinnerungs-Behauptungen, Interpretationen und Lügen ist.
233. Zudem wurden die einzelnen Abschnitte, Behauptungen und ‹Erinnerungen› usw. dieses Lügenwerkes erst viele Jahre nach seiner Flucht durch Schriftkundige und zudem weiter verfälschend durch deren eigene zusätzliche Interpretationen verfasst und teils auch ehemaligen Jüngern zugeschrieben, die jedoch niemals bei solchen Schreibereien mitwirkten und also keinerlei Angaben zu dem machten, woraus dann das Lügenwerk ‹Neues Testament› entstand.
234. Dazu hast du ja zur Richtigstellung auch … die diversen notwendigen Angaben und Erklärungen gegeben, wodurch er sachdienliche Nachforschungen betrieben hat, wie er aber auch viel der tatsächlichen Wahrheit herausfand und diese auch schriftlich festhalten konnte.

Seven Hundred and Twenty-first Contact Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)
Pages: 394–463 [Contact No. 710 to 722 from 11.09.2018 to 08.08.2019] Stats | Source
Date and time of contact: Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator, Stefan Zutt, Bruce Lulla, Mariann Uehlinger
Date of original translation: Monday, 3rd April 2021
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)



"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Contact Report 721
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)

232. In Jmmanuel's case, only Judas Ischkerioth was well versed in writing, however neither any female nor male member of his discipleship, which included more persons than just the twelve listed in the New Testament, which is full of inventions, falsifications, wrong commemorative-claims, interpretations, and lies.
233. In addition, the individual chapters, assertions/claims and 'recollections', etc. of this work of lies were not written until many years after his flight, by scribes, and moreover were written in a further falsifying wise through their own additional interpretations and partly also attributed to former disciples, who, however, never took part in such writings and thus did not provide any information whatsoever, out of which the work of lies called New Testament then arose.
234. For the purpose of rectification, you indeed have also given … … the various necessary details and explanations, wherethrough he has carried out relevant investigations, but is also how he found out much of the actual truth and was also able to record it in writing.

232. Bei Jmmanuel war einzig Judas Ischkerioth des Schreibens kundig, jedoch weder ein weibliches noch männliches Mitglied seiner Jüngerschaft, die mehr Personen umfasste als nur die Zwölf, die im Neuen Testament aufgeführt werden, das voller Erfundenheiten, Verfälschungen, falschen Erinnerungs-Behauptungen, Interpretationen und Lügen ist.
233. Zudem wurden die einzelnen Abschnitte, Behauptungen und ‹Erinnerungen› usw. dieses Lügenwerkes erst viele Jahre nach seiner Flucht durch Schriftkundige und zudem weiter verfälschend durch deren eigene zusätzliche Interpretationen verfasst und teils auch ehemaligen Jüngern zugeschrieben, die jedoch niemals bei solchen Schreibereien mitwirkten und also keinerlei Angaben zu dem machten, woraus dann das Lügenwerk ‹Neues Testament› entstand.
234. Dazu hast du ja zur Richtigstellung auch … die diversen notwendigen Angaben und Erklärungen gegeben, wodurch er sachdienliche Nachforschungen betrieben hat, wie er aber auch viel der tatsächlichen Wahrheit herausfand und diese auch schriftlich festhalten konnte.

Seven Hundred and Twenty-first Contact Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)
Pages: 394–463 [Contact No. 710 to 722 from 11.09.2018 to 08.08.2019] Stats | Source
Date and time of contact: Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator, Stefan Zutt, Bruce Lulla, Mariann Uehlinger
Date of original translation: Monday, 3rd April 2021
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)



"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Contact Report 721
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)

226. Those capable of writing, then, through their own interpretations, allowed themselves to write down what had been explained and said to them according to their own understanding and their own interpretations.
227. And the reason for this, was because those who did not know how to write, who commissioned something to be written, were unable to dictate what they had to say and explain directly into the written language.
228. That is why, wrong descriptions and, in some cases, extremely grave wrong interpretations arose as a result of the scribes' own interpretations, which have survived to the present time and are taught in equally wrong forms.
229. Equally, this happened at all times with regard to all religious written records, because only one person, and apart from that one person, not a single person to whom the written traditions are ascribed was knowledgeable of the script and the written language, consequently they all had their statements written down by those well versed in writing and the written language, who formulated everything according to their own writing abilities and also wrote everything down via their own interpretations and assumptions, etc.
230. This was also the case with all the major and minor religions and their sects, thus also with Islam and Christianity.
231. After Jmmanuel's flight from Jerusalem, his entire life history from birth up to his death was spread and later also written down with monstrous falsifications, lies, assertions and calumnies, thus the same happened with Mohammed, whose real name indeed was Abdul Kasim Muhammad Ibn Abdallah.

226. Die Schreibmächtigen erlaubten sich dann, das ihnen Erklärte und Gesagte durch eigene Interpretationen gemäss ihrem eigenen Verstehen und ihren eigenen Auslegungen schriftlich festzuhalten.
227. Und dies war darum so, weil die Schriftunkundigen, die etwas zum Schreiben in Auftrag gaben, nicht in der Lage waren, das direkt in der Schriftsprache zu diktieren, was sie zu sagen und zu erklären hatten.
228. Daher entstanden in allen alten schriftlichen Überlieferungen infolge eigener Interpretationen der Schreibkundigen Fehlbeschreibungen und teils äusserst gravierende Falschinterpretationen, die sich bis in die heutige Zeit erhalten haben und in ebenso falschen Formen gelehrt werden.
229. Gleichermassen geschah dies zu allen Zeiten bezüglich aller religiösen schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen, denn nur eine und sonst keine einzige jener Personen, denen die schriftlichen Überlieferungen zugeschrieben werden, waren der Schrift und der Schriftsprache kundig, folglich sie alle ihre Aussagen durch der Schrift und Schriftsprache Kundige aufschreiben liessen, die alles gemäss eigenen Schreibfähigkeiten formulierten und zudem durch eigene Interpretationen und Vermutungen usw. niederschrieben.
230. Das war auch so bei allen grossen und kleinen Religionen und deren Sekten, so also auch beim Islam und Christentum.
231. Wie bei Jmmanuel nach seiner Flucht aus Jerusalem seine ganze Lebensgeschichte von Geburt auf bis zu seinem Tod mit ungeheuerlichen Verfälschungen, Lügen, Behauptungen und Verleumdungen verbreitet und später auch niedergeschrieben wurde, so ergab sich dasselbe bei Mohammed, dessen richtiger Name ja Abdul Kasim Muhammad Ibn Abdallah war.

Seven Hundred and Twenty-first Contact Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)
Pages: 394–463 [Contact No. 710 to 722 from 11.09.2018 to 08.08.2019] Stats | Source
Date and time of contact: Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator, Stefan Zutt, Bruce Lulla, Mariann Uehlinger
Date of original translation: Monday, 3rd April 2021
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)



"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


Contact Report 721
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)

So at that time, your great-great-great-grandfather was on the Earth and taught writing to the early peoples, just as his students did all over the world, hence one can say, that actually all of the early written languages used on Earth by the earthly peoples, lead back to a Plejaren origin.

220. You could put it like that, yes.
221. In the course of time, these ur-scripts were of course changed in their form again and again or put out of use, which is why many of the original types of script only exist as historical remnants – if at all.
222. But what is also to be said about this, is the fact that, unfortunately, already very early on, written language was misused by earthly scribes.
223. This happened in particular by literate persons, who recorded historical events in writing, which they themselves nevertheless interpreted inadequately and completely wrongly according to their own and inaccurate observations, as well as very often deluded perceptions as well as imaginations, inadequate/poor memories and assumptions.
224. This was likewise the case when the scribes were engaged and contracted by the people for the purpose of writing records, while, without exception, it was the case that the persons capable of script and thus of writing, never wrote down exactly what they were instructed/assigned to write.
225. As a consequence, it always happened that the human beings who called upon those versed in writing, because they themselves simply were unknowledgeable in writing and therefore of written language, could do nothing other than to explain to the scribes, in their simple language, to put their concerns down in writing, etc.

Also war zur damaligen Zeit dein Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-Grossvater auf der Erde und unterrichtete den frühen Völkern die Schrift, wie das weltweit auch seine Schüler taten, folglich man sagen kann, dass eigentlich alle auf der Erde angewandten frühen Schriftsprachen bei den irdischen Völkern auf einen plejarischen Ursprung zurückführen.

220. Das kannst du so sagen, ja.
221. Im Verlauf der Zeit wurden diese Urschriften in ihrer Form natürlich immer wieder verändert oder ausser Nutzung gesetzt, weshalb viele der ursprünglichen Schriftarten nur noch als historische Überbleibsel vorhanden sind – wenn überhaupt.
222. Was aber dazu noch zu sagen ist, das ist die Tatsache, dass leider schon sehr früh die Schriftsprache von irdischen Schriftkundigen missbraucht wurde.
223. Dies geschah insbesondere durch schriftkundige Personen, die schriftlich geschichtliche Geschehnisse aufzeichneten, die sie jedoch nach eigenen und ungenauen Beobachtungen, wie auch sehr oft täuschenden Wahrnehmungen sowie Einbildungen, mangelhaften Erinnerungen und Vermutungen selbst unzulänglich und völlig falsch interpretierten.
224. Gleichermassen ergab sich dies, wenn der Schrift Kundige von Leuten für schriftliche Aufzeichnungen engagiert und verpflichtet wurden, wobei es ausnahmslos so war, dass die der Schrift und also des Schreibens fähige Personen nie exakt das niederschrieben, was ihnen zum Schreiben aufgetragen wurde.
225. Infolgedessen ergab sich immer, dass die Menschen, die Schriftkundige in Anspruch nahmen, weil sie eben selbst der Schrift und daher auch der Schriftsprache unkundig waren, nichts anderes tun konnten, als ihre schriftlich festzuhaltenden Anliegen usw. den Schriftkundigen in ihrer einfachen Sprache mündlich darzulegen.

Seven Hundred and Twenty-first Contact Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 17 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 17)
Pages: 394–463 [Contact No. 710 to 722 from 11.09.2018 to 08.08.2019] Stats | Source
Date and time of contact: Friday, 14th June 2019, 21:48 hrs
Translator(s): DeepL Translator, Stefan Zutt, Bruce Lulla, Mariann Uehlinger
Date of original translation: Monday, 3rd April 2021
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin
Contact person(s): Ptaah

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)



"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion



By MH September 25, 2024
Most people are unaware of what Billy Meier predicted on January 7, 2024, and which now appears to be corroborated, posing enormous dangers to our freedom and future survival with what Billy Meier specifically foretold on January 7, 2024:

"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion


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Cultured Meat Market Trends, Sales, Supply, Demand and Analysis by Forecast to 2035

The latest report entitled ‘Cultured Meat Market’ by Roots Analysis provides an accurate estimation of the market size, regional landscape description, and revenue forecast over the projected timeframe.

The global cultured meat market size is estimated to be worth USD 0.2 billion in 2024 and is expected to be worth USD 229 billion by 2050, growing at a CAGR of 30.8% during the forecast period, till 2050. The report turns the spotlight on the major challenges faced by the key players in the global market and the growth strategies currently adopted by them. The report is a granular assessment of this particular business sphere and entirely covers the dynamic competitive landscape of the market. The document offers key insights into the market positions of these players alongside their gross earnings. Furthermore, it elaborates on each of the market segments, with detailed scrutiny of the development scope and competitive scenario of the regional fragments of the market.

The latest study is inclusive of an in-depth analysis of the economic status of the Cultured Meat Market and examines the most important regions constituting the global market. It further details on the most lucrative and growth-oriented regions, top market rivals, diversified product types, and a large number of end-use industries.

Key factors affecting the growth of the Cultured Meat Market:
Geographical Overview:
• The latest report broadly categorizes the Cultured Meat Market into several geographical terrains, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, MENA, Latin America and Rest of the World.
• The study is inclusive of essential information relevant to each region in this broad industry segment, along with the key drivers of the regional market growth.
• The report further estimates the revenue accumulated by these regions over the forecast period.

Competitive Hierarchy:
• The latest research report studies the major market players, their regional presence, industry share, and production facilities.
• The report offers significant data pertaining to these market competitors’ company profiles, product types, and application outlook.
• Moreover, the pricing models and gross margins of these industry majors have also been mentioned in the report.

Key players
Aleph Farms, Esco Aster, GOOD Meat, Mosa Meat, UPSIDE Foods, Vow, Ants Innovate, Blue Ridge Bantham, BLUU, Finless Foods, Meatiply, MIRAI FOODS, Newform Foods, Ohayo Valley, Steakholder Foods and The Better Butchers.

Additional parameters of the Cultured Meat Market report:
• The latest research study endows the reader with a comprehensive analysis of the product types of the Cultured Meat Market, categorizing the relevant information into the Distribution by Source of Meat, Type of Cultivation Technique, End Products Offered, Application, End Users and Key Geographical Regions. The study focuses on the wide-ranging application landscape of the market, segmenting it into the market share, estimated growth rate, and the forecast product demand for each application type.

Additional Insights:
• The market concentration rate and processing rate of raw materials have also been conscripted in the report.
• The report contains an assessment of the current price trends, as well as the factors influencing the global market size.
• It throws light on the significant marketing strategies implemented by the eminent players in the industry.
• Vital data and information concerning the producers, distributors, and downstream buyers involved in the global market, as well as the cost structure analysis and market mechanism, form the important elements of this report.

Research objectives:
• The Cultured Meat Market report studies the worldwide market consumption rate in terms of value and volume.
• It identifies the various sub-segments of the market structure.
• It proffers information regarding the leading global manufacturers in this industry, describing their market value & share, sales volume, competitive analysis, SWOT analysis, and development strategies adopted during the forecast timeline.
• The report describes the key industry players, with respect to their individual growth trends, future prospects, and contribution to the global market, and explains the factors related to their market growth potential, drivers, opportunities, threats, and industry-specific challenges.
• Furthermore, the report underpins the strategic developments occurring in the Cultured Meat Market, such as expansions, mergers & acquisitions, agreements, as well as new product launches.

To view more details on this report, click on the link

About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is a global leader in the pharma / biotech market research. Having worked with over 750 clients worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, academia, venture capitalists and strategic investors for more than a decade, we offer a highly analytical / data-driven perspective to a network of over 450,000 senior industry stakeholders looking for credible market insights.

We specialise in analysing areas which have lacked quality research so far or require more focused understanding within the broader industry. All our reports are structured in a way to enable the reader develop a thorough perspective on the given subject. Apart from writing reports on identified areas, we also provide bespoke research / consulting services dedicated to serve our clients in the best possible way.

The research efforts are driven by a global team. The leadership team brings a wealth of experience within the sector. Their collective experience in pharmaceutical / affiliated domains allows us to tackle various areas of research in a structured way. We also regularly leverage our global network of experts who hold senior leadership positions in reputed firms and organisations worldwide.

Roots Analysis
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Cultured Meat Market Size and Industry Trends Report [2050]

The global cultured meat market size is estimated to grow from USD 0.2 billion in 2024 to USD 229 billion by 2050, growing at a CAGR of 30.8% during the forecast period, till 2050.
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24 hrs
