LIFELESS BODIES OF KID AND MAN Carried Through Streets of Gaza Strip on Mattress as People Grab Whatever They Can for Frantic Rescue Efforts
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LIFELESS BODIES OF KID AND MAN Carried Through Streets of Gaza Strip on Mattress as People Grab Whatever They Can for Frantic Rescue Efforts
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Have You Heard the Israeli Government BS and Mainstream Media Trying to Manipulate You to Support their Mass Murder and Genocide of Innocent Civilians Based on They “Have a Right to Self Defence” - By Jamie McIntyre
It’s the biggest crock of sh..
Yes, the Israeli Government has the right to self-defence- when their borders were being attacked and breached with a bunch of terrorists on dirt bikes and paragliders .
But the supposed strongest military in the world couldn’t self-defend itself then.
Went missing strangely for 6-7 hours.
Their attack helicopters fighter jets and tanks were no match for the superior Hamas dirt bikes and paragliders?
Is the Israeli military and Government such pussies they can’t defend against some terrorists when they breach their borders and wall, but think it’s ok to later show the world how tough they are by carpet bombing innocent civilians to death.
So tough.
Only gutless criminals, who can’t fight fair, would do such a thing
Maybe it’s time Israelis and the world ask if Israel has the right to self-defence, then where was the self-defence when Hamas was breaching their walls?
If you can’t defend your borders, I’m sorry you lost your right to self-defence.
Pick a fair fight or accept you’re grossly incompetent war criminals or lying about a false flag and butchered your own people to use as justification to destroy Palestinians.
The Australian National Review Founders’ views on the Israel and Palestine conflict.
Twitter @jamiemcintyre21
Australian National Review Founder speaks out about the Israel, Palestine conflict and highlights how our corrupt Western Governments want us to support the mass genocide of innocent Palestinians by lying and manipulating you
Australian National Review
Australian National Review Founder Asks, Do You Have A Plan B Country to Escape Future Lockdowns, and What’s the Next Big Trend You Need to Know in Order to Profit From and Escape the increasingly costly Western and High-Stress Lifestyle?
By Jamie McIntyre
Also, join Jamie for a live Zoom call this Thursday at 7 pm Sydney Time on such topics and how to generate $3000 per month cashflows for brand-new luxury properties for under $100,000 AUD in a Plan B location.