How to solve the failure of paper adhesive in lift-up flaps book wholesale

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lift-up flaps book wholesale

In the lift-up flaps book wholesale process, paper adhesive refers to the surface fiber of the paper in the printing ink adhered to the surface of the rubber blanket. Paper adhesive rubber generally appears in the case of full plate printing and large amount of ink, especially when printing coated paper, when the ink layer is relatively thick and the amount of ink is large, the phenomenon of paper adhesive rubber is easy to occur. It affects the reproduction of printed products and the integrity of the network, so that printing can not be carried out, printing ink paste flower caused waste. If it is not found in time, the blanket will be dented or the paper adhered to the surface of the blanket will be transferred to the ink roller through the plate cylinder, so that the printed matter adheres to the paper scraps and ink residue, resulting in the interruption of printing. The improper adjustment of the paper transfer mechanism of the lift-up flaps book wholesale machine is one of the reasons for paper gluing, and the other aspects are as follows.

1. The bite force of the printing drum biting paper teeth is not enough, color box packaging, color box packaging, corrugated packaging

When printing, especially printing thick high-grade coated paper, cloth paper, offset paper, etc., the field area is large, the amount of ink is large, the ink layer is full and thick, and the paper sticky rubber is easy to occur, the main reason is that the bite force of the printing drum is not enough.

Solution: The bite force of the paper biting teeth of the embossing drum is not enough, which will cause the problem of inaccurate printing overprinting, increase the bite force of the paper biting teeth of the embossing drum, and make the bite force of the paper biting teeth uniform. If the overall bite force is still insufficient, you can increase the strength of both sides of the spring; If the occlusal piece or the pressure pad is too smooth, the paper adhesive rubber can be solved by adhering to the gauze on the dental pad, so that the paper biting tooth pad is rough, before you can bite the paper, to prevent the bite of the paper teeth is not enough, causing the paper adhesive rubber failure.

2. The handover time between the roller's biting teeth and the receiving teeth is incorrect

In the lift-up flaps book wholesale printing process, the paper is gripped from the swinging paper delivery teeth, to the roller paper biting teeth to complete the printing process, and then transferred to the paper receiving teeth. There must be a certain handover time between them to ensure the accuracy of the overprint and the continuity of the paper transfer process. At this time, if the handover time between the roller biting teeth and the receiving teeth is too short, the handover time is too early, too late or incorrect, it will lose control of the paper in an instant, causing the paper to stick.

Solution: Adjust the position of the opening plate at the joint of the receiving teeth and the roller teeth, and control the handover time between the two within the range of 3 ~ 6mm in order not to tear the paper.

3, the paper bite is too light

When the paper bite the paper, the back end of the paper is not out of the roller, at this time the paper will still be in the rolling state, if the bite force of the paper bite is small, it is impossible to bite the paper tight, bite, the back end of the paper is easy to be adhered to the surface of the rubber blanket, this reason will also cause the paper to stick to the rubber blanket.

The solution: The bite force of the paper teeth depends on the four springs on the paper teeth shaft. If the bite force of the whole paper teeth is too light, the four springs can be compressed at the same time to increase its bite force. Then, the bite force of each bite can be adjusted, and the bite force of each bite can be reached into the teeth with 60g/㎡ kraft paper and pulled out to test, so that the bite force of the middle and both ends of the teeth are uniform. If the teeth or pads are too smooth and the paper is sticky, you can stick gauze or tape on the pads to solve the problem.

4, the pressure between the rubber cylinder and the impression cylinder is too large

In the lift-up flaps book wholesale process, too much printing pressure will cause the paper to stick to the blanket. Even if the failure occurs, the biting force of the roller biting teeth and receiving teeth will be increased. This phenomenon occurs from time to time, especially in the thick printing ink layer and smooth coated paper on the paper surface. At this time, the friction tension caused by excessive printing pressure is greater than the biting force of the paper teeth, which causes the paper to stick to the rubber blanket, so that the paper adheres very firmly to the surface of the rubber blanket, and it is very difficult to tear the paper by hand, that is, it is caused by this reason.

Solution: The whole lift-up flaps book wholesale process is to solve the contradiction between ink and paper process, to transfer the printing plate coated with a certain thickness of ink graphics to the printed paper, then you must apply a certain amount of pressure in the process of graphic transfer. People often say that "no pressure is not printing" fully explains the importance of printing pressure.

Since the printing pressure is so important, is the greater the pressure, the better? Of course not. In general, the appropriateness of the printing pressure is often reflected by the printing quality of the printed product. The printing pressure should be based on the premise that the printed product has a strong dot, clear graphics, bright color and appropriate shade, and the smaller the better.

In order to avoid the paper sticky rubber caused by excessive printing pressure, so that the printing dot is clear and complete, the minimum pressure should be used, and the neutral and soft lining materials should be selected.

5, receiving paper bite shaft positioning is not correct

Under normal circumstances, before the lift-up flaps book wholesale machine leaves the factory, the positioning of the receiving teeth shaft is basically correct, but the receiving teeth shaft head cover will inevitably have certain errors in the processing process. In the process of adjusting the receiving teeth, it is impossible for the position of each row of receiving teeth to be consistent with the teeth pad. When it is connected with the teeth of the embossing cylinder, the distance between the receiving teeth and the front edge of the embossing cylinder is inconsistent. If the distance is too large, the receiving teeth will not be able to bite the paper or bite the paper too little, resulting in paper sticky rubber.

lift-up flaps book wholesale
