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Time to Arise and pray for this country of ours to be all that God wants it to be again. Make Australia Great Again.

A very proud day today. We have been praying for a while now for all that is hidden to be revealed. God is moving and exposing the evil work in our land by evil men and women.

Our country was removed from being a Commonwealth nation to Australia the Corporation. This was illegal.

We have been asking for God to expose the corruption and the evil covenants and this is being exposed.

We have been praying for corruption in the police and medical fields to be exposed also. This is being exposed.

We have even been praying for God to expose corruption in the church and church body. There is not one area in our nation that has not been touched. God needs to clean up all areas of our nation.

In total we have been praying for God to purge the soul of our country. To bring up what has been hidden for all these years and is blocking the God given destiny of our nation Australia.

You see for all you Christians out there wanting Revival. It comes at a cost. Are you prepared to pay the price. Are you prepared to pull your head out of the sand and look around and truly see what is happening in our nation.

Are you prepared to look in the mirror and start with you. A Revival movement is birthed out of a hunger for repentance (Asking for forgiveness and getting right with the God), a hunger for God's holiness in our lives. And then a hunger for holiness in our nation.

Now is the time to Rise. Now is the time to pray like never before for God to have his way in our Land. For Righteous leaders to come forward. For Freedom to reign in our land and not evil mandates and discrimination.

We are about to enter a new season for our land but it is a season that we the people must fight for in the spirit. Have you not perceived we are in a Spiritual War right now?

Please turn off the news and tune into God. Arise Arise Arise.

Come and join us as we continue to press in for our nation. Get those shields and swords up. We can do this!!

Rev Liz Mitchell
Australia Arise
