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2 yrs - Youtube

2 yrs

They are soul hunting

"As you might know, in the weeks before this Ukraine war, or conflict, happened, we’ve seen beautiful movements around the world. Truck convoys, freedom convoys, everywhere. This was a momentum that was building and it was beautiful, because no matter what the media did, the momentum was building within communities, within people, and groups were forming. This is something that felt absolutely authentic, real and amazing to millions and millions around the world, probably hundreds of millions.
So because this stream of authenticity and freedom could not be broken simply by trying to bad-mouth the movement and trying to label it as something it wasn’t, in the big scheme of things, they had to turn to the next theatre, to the next event. I want to make something abundantly clear: people that are involved on the ground, people that are involved in Ukraine, even the Russian soldiers… everyone who is really authentically involved in this and who is suffering from this: this is by no means saying there is no suffering, this is by no means saying that people are not dying, people are not getting injured, people are not traumatised. This is not what I’m saying. This is not what we’re saying - ever.

But what we want to also make clear is that in the big picture of things this is a new stage in a big theatre play that is being played in order to manipulate us. One thing that’s come through to us, that’s come through to many others, is:

Don’t consume the visuals, the audios that are being presented to you through media and social media. The videos, the audio recordings, the horrific sounds.

What they are doing right now is soul-hunting. Because the freedom movement before then has really ignited so many souls’ authenticity, that now this dark force wants to soul-hunt and wants to make sure that they catch you back, pull you back into the fear, darkness and terror. So from that perspective, if you feel inclined to read news about it, read it.

There are obviously no videos and audios when you’re reading, but it’s also important that you are in a stable, level-hearted, level-minded, level-spirited state, because if you go at it and you read these things and watch these things emotionally open and emotionally already vulnerable, you are going to be sucked in deeper. You’re going to be sucked in to the despair and the darkness and a perceived narrative that there is no other way out than all-out war, conflict, World War 3, all of these things.

What we’re doing, collectively, is creating something different in the midst of this despair - and that’s the most challenging thing - that we are in the midst of this campaign that began 2 years ago, (actually) it began way before that.

There are always stages to every campaign and we are now beyond the preparation stage. We are now live. All the things that were prepared are now playing out. And so many people are just awakening to that. We are co-creating a vision that is very different from this narrative that is out there. A vision that is peaceful, that is loving, that is even harmonious. For now, please, let me encourage you, do not consume audio, video material about Ukraine, unless you are in such a level-hearted, level-minded, level-spirited state and so balanced and you have a particular reason to do that.

They are truly soul-hunting. This is not a drill. They are trying to suck your soul into their sphere of influence back in. What our job is, is to find a continuation point from where the freedom movement left off a few weeks ago, where it was little weakened. Remember that we are the greatest alliance in human history, the alliance for freedom, and (let’s) continue our work in that spirit and not get distracted."
