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Ian Hillery
> It's all part of the PLAN
.. To activate MiL./
> Fast approaching is the next phase> civil unrest<
Mobs looting. Rioting
>Then Marshal LAW...
>>> In the last moments of the WORLD CRISES.... Those through the world who created, colluded ( MSM .big pharma. Banks, governments, officials, doctors, scientist. Big tech.. Will all be ARRESTED in the largest MILITARY STING OPERATION IN THE WORLD TAKING PLACE)
There's a reason why major countries are going to WAR in the middle of pandemic... Instead of working with each other during a (fake) World CRISES.... They are actually hinting at WAR<
(From the CABLE'S i shared last year.... Its all a huge SHOW...... But with ? explosions... /////
But In the end..>> the Militaries activated will ARREST the DEEP STATE in every country///////
The collapse of the CABAL and Mockingbird World [ they] created
Spiritual awakening hurts.
Spiritual awakening will leave you feeling alone at times.
Spiritual awakening will test you to your limit.
Spiritual awakening will often break you before you can put yourself back together.
But spiritual awakening is worth it …
If it wasn’t, nobody would continue on the path to shattering their old illusions and embracing new paradigms and more authentic ways of living.
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