Mmmm it was Soros and the US State Department behind the illegal armed coup in 2014, and they burnt alive pro russian Ukrainians in the former Russian city of Odessa, in its Theatre, and shot at innocent protesters to frame the Democratically Elected and Pro Russian President Yankovich. Are you saying Russia toppled a Pro Russian President and took over Ukraine,and then built up the Ukrainian Army, to be the extension of the NATO army to attack itself ???
We already have the evidence a long time ago it was Victoria Nuland,of the US State Department and Soros and co behind the illegal armed coup of Ukriane. Now a failed state,that’s lost a war it should never have started against Russia, and 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers,and an economy in tatter, and now half the country will decide to re join Russia ie Eastern Ukraine. And the Western part of Ukraine, that will be landlocked and full of Nazis, Poland will take much of it back.
To many brainwashed people fell for Western Propaganda and now Ukraine is a destroyed state used as speak to fight US wars and imperialism . It could have been even worse if it wasn’t for Russia to step and in defend and stop the genocide,by the Western elites ( the criminal behind Israel who control America ) then Eastern Ukrainians would have all suffered the same fate as the same criminals are doing to genocide Palestinians now.
Nations unable to defend themselves against the criminal elite will be targeted. Lucky Eastern Ukraine will be built again and is already by Russia( see Mariupol brand new apartments build for Ukrainians now living in peace) and they’ll have peace and prosperity.
The rest of Ukriane - god help what it will become - over run by Nazis.
#russia #ukrainerussiawar