I have never taken the shots but I am now very sick with the flu. I thought there was no COVID but side effects of the shots?? So what do I have ?
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Lochie Smith
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Busa Bear
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Joyce Harris
(besides hydrating first e.g. a cup of warm /hot water with squeezed lemon or lime juice, sip until finished. Then prepare to blend you smoothy ingredients as follows).
Citrus Smoothy suggestion: Its fresh orange season in Australia's south, so if you have that opportunity for fresh raw citrus smoothies (e.g. 2-3 fruits (lemon, lime, oranges, mandarines, and or grapefruit) including 1/2 teaspoon of ginger fresh or powder, 1/2 turmeric, 1/2 cinnamon, spoon of raw organic honey, with or without a fresh washed young leaf of dandelion and /or nasturtium leaves, +/- flower bud closed of dandy or nast. Blend raw with 1/2 -1 cup of filtered room temperature water. (The mandarine can be washed to blend the whole fruit with skin on, or if you fresh oranges have thin skins. Otherwise with a veggie peeler, peeling from the lemon, orange, lime etc can be included for added benefit.) When blended all together, dr
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