Freedom changed her profile picture
3 yrs


NO HE , scott Morrison' CAN'T WIN the next election He is a vile abominable treacherous liar and hypocirite. So hated now, we will NEVER EVER TRUST HIM, HE WILL NOT, NOT, NOT win any election EVER AGAIN, he's PLAYING the good cop bad cop routine, I'm not so bad I say this ..but the premier's can be a leader into themselves, its out of my hands says scott Morrison', well he can fkk off to hell, the sooner the better.


Please throw darts or worse at my profile pic

Mikey changed his profile picture
3 yrs

Em Sparks changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Andrew Plimmer changed his profile picture
3 yrs

EricO changed his profile picture
3 yrs

Tanya Outridge changed her profile picture
3 yrs


Here is a map of businesses and their contact details around Australia who do not discriminate.

Cody Pureblood shared a post  
3 yrs