This content may be sensitive to young viewers, parental guidance and viewer discretion is advised. I will not post any other information with this video, except to say that this is one of many people suffering fainting spells, heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots in these so called “clinics”

Charo RM changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Hendrik Helmer changed his profile picture
3 yrs

Bill boa Baggins changed his profile picture
3 yrs


3 yrs

Good Evening Lovely People, I just wanted to share with you all our Welcome video we did for our Australia Arise and Pray Group a few months ago. It shares with you the mindset we as believers have and should have in this time. Thanks for watching.

Cassandra Maree shared a post  
3 yrs

Becca Becca changed her profile picture
3 yrs

Cassandra Maree shared a post  
3 yrs

Victoria Rothschild changed her profile picture
3 yrs


I am an Australian female who was adversely affected by the HPV - gardisal vaccine by the Merck company. I was paralysed waist down, with chronic fatigue and chronic pain. I was unable to function properly for 6 months. My mother had to become my carer. This reaction was from my very first gardisal injection, i was 20yrs old, doctor informed me i would not need the others and that I am likely fully protected from the one i had. I made a full recovery and only recently through proxy servers have i been able to access many stories like mine that are otherwise censored in AU. I am only one of many gardisal girls! This is my story.


Good Evening Lovely People, I just wanted to share with you all our Welcome video we did for our Australia Arise and Pray Group a few months ago. It shares with you the mindset we as believers have and should have in this time. Thanks for watching.