This should be primarily Australian content

Belushis1971 changed her profile picture
3 yrs


Canadian authorities introduce NWO to their civilians January 1st 2022?

Tangles changed her profile picture
3 yrs


We're engaged in a new kind of warfare -- a global war not between nations, but between the elite (1%) and the rest of us (99%). And we're winning!

This just happened to my Uncle. fell down the stairs, paramedic immediately tried to diagnose him with covid. These pricks will do anything for their kickbacks. This should terrify anyone going to hospital and if it doesnt, you need to look into Remdesivir and in the UK Medazalam. These pills kill you or the intubation with induced coma and ventilation which is not even required will. I would opt for nebusling hydrogen peroxide or using known effective treaments Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, IV Vit C you know options that dont kill you. Its gone from First do no harm to First get the money and diagnosis for covid. What a S.C.A.M!!!!



A video to remind people to absolutely refuse this toxic crap

Tangles changed her profile cover
3 yrs
