The C0VID Narrative Is Mass Hypnosis


US Military To Roll Out Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle C0VID Vaxxine (SpFN) Based on Synthetic Biology


Gerda Garbatzky, 90-Year-Old, Bookkeeper, Huntington, New York, Died from C0V-19


Merry Christmas

Lioness shared a post  
3 yrs

So be watchful of those that quote and promote this **** I can
think of one person in particular on the scene right now. Im not buying his BS.

Curious...I hear of not just one but four recent incidences of,people booking into a testing centre and filling in the forms only to end up running out of time and leaving before they were even tested only to get a text later informing them they had tested "positive" and must follow the rules and isolate? What do they actually test there graphology handwriting analysis or something? "Look at the way this dude crossed his T's! He definitely has the legendary bug???

Is there an app for this platform or will there be at some stage?

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3 yrs - Youtube

3 yrs

The Dimming - Full documentary
Has been flagged by the commy fact-checkers on Facebook, so it must be true! Lol I remember when i was little there was hardly a line in the sky, and now they are cross and checkers boards.

Lioness shared a post  
3 yrs

3 yrs

Pfizer Will Not Give mRNA Shots To Countries Where They Face Legal Liabilities For Side Effects

"Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield." - World Bank President David Malpass

So safe that Pfizer won't give it to you if you can sue them for adverse reaction

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3 yrs - Youtube