

We are now starting to see our lives from higher perspective. We now know that individual adventures are accuring within the context of the long history of human awakening. With this point of view, our lives are grounded and put into context. We can see the long process through which we have been Spiritualizing the physical dimension, and what we have left to do! N.C.S.W.I.C !


The Soul knows before it incarnates what is has to do. You do not start your physical existence as a Spirit without any awareness of itself. The Spirit chooses the vehicle of its incarnation because it knows that combination of circumstances will provide the best opportunities for the necessary unfoldment it has to undergo. Once it incarnates into matter, the density prevents the awareness, which is embedded deep down, from reaching your consciousness.



Anyone know what the deal is with the truthbook mobile app. Tried to install it and said can't install. Plenty of space on my phone.

Jon Fred changed his profile picture
3 yrs

Donna Wilkins changed her profile picture
3 yrs



Taco Fleur changed his profile picture
3 yrs

Jon Fred changed his profile picture
3 yrs
