Alison Goulding shared a post  
3 yrs

3 yrs

The US Supreme Court ruled that vaccinated people around the world are now "products", or patented goods, and are no longer human under US law.
By vaccinating with modified DNA or RNA, a person ceases to be a human and becomes the property of the patentee of the mRNA vaccine. Their genome is no longer human, but "trans-human", a category that does not exist in human rights.
This applies to the whole world.
SOURCE of this decision of the US Supreme Court in PDF:

3 yrs - Youtube

The US Supreme Court ruled that vaccinated people around the world are now "products", or patented goods, and are no longer human under US law.
By vaccinating with modified DNA or RNA, a person ceases to be a human and becomes the property of the patentee of the mRNA vaccine. Their genome is no longer human, but "trans-human", a category that does not exist in human rights.
This applies to the whole world.
SOURCE of this decision of the US Supreme Court in PDF:

Who else DEMANDS the Government lift the Pedo Suppression ORDER DISGUSTING CRIMINALS !

Digital ID what to expect

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3 yrs


3 yrs - Youtube