Is “The Aboriginal Voice” really part of a communist revolution?
Marcia Langton is a very prominent aboriginal activist and academic. So prominent, in fact, that when the Liberal Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt was creating his senior advisory group to design an “Indigenous Voice” to Government, he made Marcia Langton co-chair.
This is interesting, since Marcia started her political career as a hard-core Communist and has never disavowed her past views. She wasn’t simply a naïve young activist, either. Langton was a member of the National Committee of the Communist League (CL), a Trotskyist group that campaigned for the violent overthrow of the Australian government and the implementation of a totalitarian socialist state.
Why does this matter? Because Langton has never disavowed her extremist beliefs. She has never been confronted by anyone over the fact that she began her political career convinced that Australia needed a violent revolution…
It’s worth remembering that one of the core beliefs of Trotskyism is that Australia doesn’t deserve to exist as a country and should be destroyed. Langton’s fellow Trotskyist and academic, Tom Bramble, has declared ( that even just the sight of an Australian flag makes him want to puke. Is it relevant that the woman tasked with “shaping a framework towards developing options for an Indigenous voice to all levels of government” might still believe that the government she has been tasked with advising should be annihilated? Damn right, it is.
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Lochie Smith
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