5 w - Youtube

Alchemy and the Eastern Tradition Part One

Sheldon Moore joins Jay Weidner to discuss the spiritual traditions from India and Tibet.

6 w - Youtube

Dark Journalist COG JFK NASA & The UFO File Revealed

6 w - Youtube

THE LIGHT GATE – Simon Domville-Musters – UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence

Tonight, The Light Gate welcomes back experiencer/researcher/podcaster Simon Domville-Musters. Residing in the UK, Simon has experienced UFO encounters, and is working hard to research and educate people about the extraterrestrial presence on our planet, and the UFO coverup. Says Simon, “My interest is communicating and learning from ET. The other priority is saving us from the new world order totalitarianism that is being rammed down every orifice possible, and then intravenously. Finally Democracy in the purest conception of the term, for which Socrates perished, as PR had not been conceived in his time, despite being descendants of Atlantis! So, Democracy is majority rule, but with respect for the fundamental rights of minorities, and we are all minorities in one form or another!” His youtube channel is called The Ranting Revolutionary. Links included in show notes!

6 w - Youtube

The Reincarnated Cathars.

Jean Claude of Beyond Mystic talks with Jay Weidner about the gnostic group called the Cathars. The Cathars lived in the south of France until they were destroyed by the Church. Watch A Clockwork Shining: jayweidner.com

/ @jeanclaudebeyondmystic003


Cutting trees with Powerful Laser. - YouTube

Cutting trees with Powerful Laser. - YouTube


UFOs and truth