When life gives you lemons……..

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How you deal with situations shows how you can adapt to your surroundings. Can you make changes, or are you stuck in your ways?

When life gives you lemons........Have a gin and tonic. 

Are you the type of person who when they get stung by nettles you scratch and scratch, make your skin sore or go and hunt for a Doc Leaf? You see I believe in nature there is an antidote for our life’s mishaps. Sunflowers follow the searing heat of the sun, they have UV protection built in and anti oxidant qualities.

The word lunatic comes from the powerful magnetic pull on our worlds oceans and sea, so if it can make the water on the planet move up and down then what can it do to a living, breathing, thinking human mainly made of water?

I think about this stuff all of the time, often in the early hours so I have started writing it down.


Some of my most creative times are when it’s quiet and it seem like time stands still.

I often feel that sorting someone’s hair problems are like unpicking an old hand knitted jumper, you have to clean it first to see what you are dealing with. There will be a great deal of patience, some tricky moments coming across knots, tangled wool, and you may feel like you aren’t getting anywhere? Then one day you will be sat with half a dozen balls of wool, remembering what you once had was old and perhaps out of date and looking forward to picking up your needles and new pattern and starting again. The pleasure of creating something beautiful and fresh, giving the wearer a new sense of achievement is how I feel when my clients get the hair they have worked so hard for. 
