Civil Rights Movement.

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the only options for a LAWFUL and REASONABLE People is to DEFY THE TYRANNY of CRIMINALS in positions of public TRUST and Create a COMMUNITY RIGHTS MOVEMENT, that Unites the People, Redefines Civilisation and Creates a "Referendum for Reformation". to oust the current political

1. Introduction - Who we are? Why we gather, What we want, Where are we heading? short/medium/long term (community, many communities, national movement-Referendum- Reformation of Society)

2. Presentation on Current Affairs - the transformation of the greatest nation on earth, into what the EU parliament are calling a “Totalitarian Regime”

- Norway has dismissed Covid as a non pandemic, we vote to follow the Science of those who do so.
- The crimes of the TGA, AHPRA and Australian GOVERNMENT DEALS WITH PFIZER, that HIDE THEIR DATA-ingredients of their "deathshot" jabs are not disclosed, contracts with govt is hidden, side effects, including deaths and their numbers being obfuscated and dismissed by media outlets as accessories after the fact.
- RACGP (Royal Australian College of GP's) declared Pfizer jab loses efficacy over time - 22% every 30 days - so its 110% USELESS in 5 months, but doesn’t even report the deaths and damage from the jab. THIS JAB WAS SOLD AS 95% efficacy at stopping getting Covid and going to hospital, now it isn’t even working. The government should sue Pfizer and claim damages, but they just keep going. WHY?
- Politicians who ARE EXEMPT FROM THE DEATHSHOTS, becoming sudden multimillionaires, while we are segregated and dying, eg. Jacinda Ardern, was worth $800,000, now she is worth $25,000,000, on a yearly salary of $300,000, that’s 7500% increase in salary!

- the 17th Janurary is the Day Liberty Dies and Segregation Becomes the rule of the Day.
- the Day Qld. Government CEASES to be a DEMOCRACY and BECOMES a DICTATORSHIP, with SERVANTS telling the PUBLIC they have lost their RIGHTS to LAW FEDERALLY, and State Law now BREAKS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Section 5. 109 “no law of the State shall be in force if it breeches Constitutional, Federal Law”
- Mandates of a State, no matter HOW VIGOROUS A Government Demands loyalty to them, when they BREAK FEDERAL LAW, including Discrimination Act, Privacy Act, Biosecurity Act and Human Rights Charter, are Void of Legal Power and are EVIDENCE OF CRIMINALITY by that State Government.

3. CRM (Community Rights Movement)
- As such, the only options for a LAWFUL and REASONABLE People is to DEFY THE TYRANNY of CRIMINALS in positions of public TRUST and Create a COMMUNITY RIGHTS MOVEMENT to achieve 3 THINGS:
- Community - helping each other, forming united community services that are denied by the tyranny, forming buying groups to meet the needs and create new business ventures because the tyranny locks you out from participation in society. Including running as unincorporated associations, and non taxable income models, such as "love they neighbour" free giving economics. ie. giving freely. and getting freely. No taxation in free gifts!
- Rights - Rallying to Support, Educate, Inspire and Call to Action those who refuse to be ruled by tyrants and dictators, who were ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE, but NOW WISH TO RULE AND RAVAGE the PEOPLE, FORGETTING THEIR SOLE EXISTENCE IS BY THE WILL COOPERATION AND PERMISSION OF THOSE PEOPLE.
- Movement - Local Action - Rally March to show strength, Denial of Cooperation with CRIMINAL MANDATES THAT BREAK FEDERAL LAW, Formation of a "REFERENDUM on REFORMATION” to Remove the Current Ineligible and corrupt forms of Government now in place, at Both Federal and State Level, and Call ALL OF AUSTRALIA TOWN BY TOWN, CITY BY CITY, to SIGN UP TO A REFERENDUM that once it hits 50% WE CAN UN-ELECT THE CURRENT SYSTEM AND OVERHAUL the lot, with a Better system, which is now in formation.
