Fungicide Mancozeb 85%WP

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Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rats >10 000, rabbits >5000 mg/kg. No irritation to skin (rabbits); moderate eye irritant (rabbit, EU standards), not an eye irritant (rabbit, U.S. standards) No dermal sensitisation in Buehler test; may cause dermal sensitisation in guinea pi

Fungicide Mancozeb 85%WP

Oral Acute oral LD50 for rats 5000 mg/kg.

Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rats 10 000, rabbits 5000 mg/kg. No irritation to skin (rabbits); moderate eye irritant (rabbit, EU standards), not an eye irritant (rabbit, U.S. standards) No dermal sensitisation in Buehler test; may cause dermal sensitisation in guinea pig maximisation test.

Inhalation LC50 (4 h) for rats 5.14 mg/l.

NOEL NOEL for rats 4.0 mg/kg b.w. daily. NOAEL for ethylenethiourea 0.37 mg/kg b.w. daily. Below toxic levels, mancozeb was observed to have no effect on reproduction, on neonatal survival, or on growth.

ADI (JMPR) 0.03 mg/kg b.w. (group ADI with maneb, metiram and zineb); ethylenethiourea 0.004 mg/kg b.w. [1993]; mancozeb 0.05 mg/kg b.w.

Mode of action Fungicide with protective action.

Uses Control of many fungal diseases in a wide range of field crops, fruit, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, etc. More frequent uses include control of early and late blights (Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani) of potatoes and tomatoes; downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and black rot (Guignardia bidwellii) of vines; downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) of cucurbits; scab (Venturia inaequalis) of apple; sigatoka (Mycosphaerella spp.) of banana and melanose (Diaporthe citri) of citrus. Typical application rates are 1500-2000 g/ha. Used for foliar application or as a seed treatment.
