When it comes to the implementation of the die casting process die casting companies are required to read about certain

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When it comes to the production process of the die-casting company, the die-casting machine, which is the fundamental piece of technical equipment for die-casting, has a significant influence on a variety of factors, including product quality, production cost, production efficiency, and so

When it comes to the production process of the die-casting company, the die-casting machine, which is the fundamental piece of technical equipment for die-casting, has a significant influence on a variety of factors, including product quality, production cost, production efficiency, and so on. In tandem with the ongoing enhancement and refinement of the die-casting process, there has been a consistent rise in the demand for the die-casting machine to perform a variety of functions.


1. First, remove the system from use and then reset it.


1) First, make sure the reset signal is correct. When it comes to die-casting production, we frequently come across molds that require the ejector rod to be reset before the mold can be permanently closed. The majority of these die-casting machine take the shape of a reset rod, rely on threaded connections, and make use of the action of the ejector cylinder of the equipment in order to accomplish this function. In actual applications, the thread of the reset rod may become damaged, which will result in the mold ejection plate not being retracted. However, the die-casting machine ejection plate will have been retracted, and the equipment will begin to close the mold after receiving the signal to close the mold, which will result in the mold being damaged.


The control program of the die casting machine has been updated to include a confirmation interface for the mold ejection reset signal. Concurrently, a travel switch is connected to the ejection plate of the mold in order to accomplish this. The travel switch is activated whenever the mold ejection plate is reset, and the signal that is produced by this switch is included in the input. Only after the control system of the die-casting machine has been verified can the mold be allowed to close. This not only ensures that the mold can be operated safely from a hardware standpoint, but it also prevents the die-casting company from incurring losses as a result of mold damage.


2) The problem of quick connection mold resetting first can also be solved from a mechanical standpoint; the failure problem of resetting first is fundamentally a problem of connection failure. This is done in addition to the method of adding confirmation signals that was mentioned earlier. This is due to the fact that die-casting companies frequently change molds while production is in progress, which has an impact on the efficiency of production. Every die-casting company is looking for a quick replacement method for die-casting molds, particularly one that allows for the quick connection of the reset rod. In the event that high pressure die casting part the ejection system on the die-casting machine and the ejection system of the mold are capable of being disassembled and reassembled in a dependable and speedy manner, the amount of time required to replace the mold will be significantly reduced, and the operation of reset first will be guaranteed to be reliable.


2. The position and speed of the injection


1) Verification of the precise location where the quick-pressure start starts. During the die-casting process, the quick-pressure start position happens to be an extremely important parameter. After we have set the switch for the quick-pressure start, how does the die-casting company determine whether or not the quick-pressure start point of the equipment is accurate? Whether or not the process parameters in the slow injection stage are accurate, it satisfies the requirements that we have for the design of our process. Therefore, there is a need for some enhancements to be made in the design of the control program of the die-casting machine. The injection cylinder should automatically stop moving forward when the rapid pressing is about to begin, and the molten metal should be removed for processing and evaluation after it has cooled down.


2) Measurement of the slow injection speed. In general, the term "slow injection speed" refers to the forward speed of the punch from the beginning of movement to the beginning of fast injection (some pieces of equipment are divided into two speeds: slow speed and fast speed). The function of it isThe molten metal is pushed to the vicinity of the inner gate by the punch at a slow speed, and the gas in the pressure chamber is discharged in a smooth manner. This is done in order to prevent or reduce the entrainment of gas high pressure die casting part in the molten metal. There is a significant correlation between the level of fullness of the pressure chamber and the value of the slow injection speed. However, the value of the slow injection speed is not displayed on the general die-casting machine, and the adjustment of the slow injection speed is also very inconvenient. Both of these issues are mentioned in the previous sentence. In the actual production process, the slow injection speed is frequently utilized. In the event that multiple molds are produced on the same die-casting machine, it is imperative that they all use the same slow injection speed.


The slow injection speed that is commonly used is between 0.1 and 0.4 meters per second, the advancement time for slow injection is approximately one second, and the response time of the sensor switch is approximately 0.1 milliseconds. The error that is brought about by using the sensor switch to measure the speed has a minimal effect on the value that is measured, and it is possible to do so. In the event that the sensing rod associated with the injection cylinder becomes detached from the hammer limit switch Die Casting Simulation Software, the control computer of the die-casting machine initiates the timing process. As soon as the sensing rod separates from the quick-pressure start switch, the timing mechanism comes to a halt, the measurement time of the distance is obtained, and two values are read from the scale. Through the process of entering the distance between the switches into the computer, it is possible to determine the average speed of the slow injection. The needs of the die-casting process can be completely satisfied by the slow injection speed that is obtained through the use of this measurement method.


3. Concerns pertaining to safety


1) In the production of human body induction die-casting, there are frequently instances of operators being squeezed to death or being squeezed during the process. Although the occurrence of accidents is caused by personnel violations, the movable and fixed templates of the die-casting machine can also be used from the point of view of the safety of the die-casting machine that is being considered. Incorporate a device that can detect the human body. Immediately after the human body is detected in the area where the mold is closing, the mold closing process must be halted.


2) During the die-casting production process, the retractable front safety door frequently comes into contact with a long core-pulling cylinder that is located on either one or both sides of the mold. As a consequence of this Die Casting Simulation Software, the front and rear safety doors are unable to be closed in the typical manner, which has a significant impact on the production pattern of die-casting. Hazards to safety, particularly accidents to safety that are brought on by forced production in situations where the front safety door cannot be closed normally, are commonly encountered. 


In a setting in which the State Administration of Work Safety has repeatedly emphasized the importance of safety production, die-casting companies that possess the necessary conditions will move the safety doors on their own. However, die-casting companies that do not possess the necessary conditions will not move the safety doors. The company can only sigh as it looks at the door; in fact, the front safety door bracket can be made into a telescopic structure for die-casting machine manufacturers, and the safety door can be moved a certain distance away when it is required to do so. This can be done without adding an excessive amount of cost. The location of those unique molds can then be brought back to where they were originally located.
