The Greanville Post is an anti-imperialist instrument of information.

THE GREANVILLE POST, is an antidote to, and refuge from, the prevailing brainwash afflicting most people in the United States and much of the Western World. The Greanville Post is an independent left, non-dogmatic publication dedicated to seeking the truth wherever it may be found. Make sure you get our BULLETIN by signing up for it, and it's free. That way it will come regularly to your email box, regardless of whether Facebook deletes our account or not.…/the-deep-state-is-closing…/

As genuine believers in democracy we have no use for the plutocratic farce that passes for democracy in the United States and many of its vassal states. We despise the capitalist media and its regime of lies 24/7, all in furtherance of its masters fortunes and subjection of more human beings, animals and nature to the rule of an obscenely rich puny minority that has no real allegiance to any nationality and no sincere love for peace. Under such circumstances, content is king and we publish whoever we identify as advancing truth, peace and democracy.

