Pray for Ukraine and Russia.

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It is so important that we are praying for both affected nations.

The shaking of the nations is happening before our eye and what is happening in the Ukraine i causing the shaking of Ukraine and Russia. Like most countries right now around the globe they are waking up to the knowledge of what has been going on under the covers since their country began.
Some are already awake there hence they are eager for what is happening so they can be free.
We must not be praying from our head space or lack of knowledge in this area. These are things we should be praying over their country and all our countries at this time.  Let's have a look at those points.
We must be praying for God's will to be done in that nation(or our own). For the Ukraine situation God did not stop this from happening. So we must realise that there is a purpose greater than what the evil Main stream media wants you to understand.
1. This is a time where we must ask God to shake what needs to be shaken to get our Countries where they need to be.
2. To expose all the dark and hidden evil covenants and ungodly agreements that have been made.
3. To expose all evil agenda's.
4. To re-align our Countries with God's destiny and God's words and plans that he has spoken over our land. To reinstate his covenants in this land.
5. For his people to humble themselves and pray and repent and get their lives right with God.
6. Pray for God's leaders in the land to humble themselves and pray. To make sure that the church leaders are doing all that he would have them do in this season and not be in the flesh.
7. Pray for the Church to be cleansed from all ungodliness and for the Church to make sure it is aligned with where it should be in this season. And that they are a shining Glory to God.
8. For God to bring in righteous and just leaders.
There has been evil going on in all our lands for a long time now and God is rooting it out but not in ways we expect or would like.
Beware of trying to pray away the Shaking that must take place in order to clean and to realign a nation.

