Why do you still not feel content despite generating a lot of wealth? Is there a disconnection between money and happiness? However, you have heard many times how money is correlated to finding bliss in life.
On the other hand, you might be aware of the proverb that says money cannot buy you a lot of happiness in life. Now, this is totally confusing as both these perceptions contradict each other. You do not have to follow any of them blindly, as you should perceive things your way.
When you closely observe your life and other’s lives, you will find that happiness is not bound even if you become rich. Of course, with enough wealth and property, you will have fewer things to worry about. It will establish that you have achieved most of your financial goals.
You can be in a peaceful state by attaining a stable stature from a financial point of view. However, you cannot get up every day and be happy as happiness cannot be celebrated as a habit. The thrill you feel when you get stuck in a crisis and strive hard to navigate it is going to be something else.
Yes, because of lack of money, you are here but getting out of this situation can give immense happiness and relief. It does not matter if you have arranged cash by getting a personal loan first time from a direct lender. You might even try to earn extra money with a side hustle.
Freedom from this financial stress caused by sudden unplanned payouts can make you happy. Get an in-depth understanding of the relationship between money and your happiness.
Why does financial fitness matter more to be happy?
Money cannot be the only source of delightfulness in your life. A shortage of money can be a reason for a painful life, but you can manage this issue. There is no denying that a lack of finances at certain times can make your life dreadful.
The role of money in your life should be identified or else you might get misguided. If you use money as a tool to be happy, there is something. You will not be able to chase your financial dreams as you will be exhausting all your resources to be happy.
You need to have a practical approach to handling money. Besides, you need to realise that money cannot be the source for your happiness all the time. Then, if you do not have money in your bank account, you will do nothing and be sad forever.
Thus, you should know how to balance these two aspects. Learn here!
· Acknowledge what is valuable and priority
Keep aside your emotions and find out what matters to you the more. This will help you make right financial decisions. If your family is very important for you, take steps that can ensure best lifestyle to them.
Then, you should start saving money to buy a home and a car. Besides, your child’s education is crucial to you, and thus, you should stash money for this purpose. Above all, if you think a little bit of shopping or self-care makes you happy, you can keep a separate saving for it as well.
· Spending money mindlessly makes no sense
Your friends might be planning trips now and then. Some of them surprise you with their frequent, costly purchases. Such things can easily drive you crazy, and you might feel like you own this lifestyle.
However, the aspect that might miss out is that they might be earning more than. Besides, it might happen than they have different priorities in their life. Now, if you decide to follow their lifestyle without understanding your financial condition and goals, you will end up spending mindlessly.
If you shell out money just to show your financial capability, soon, you will run out of resources. Then, your financial objectives will get stuck midway. You might not even have saved money for emergencies.
· Work on strengthening your financial foundation
This should begin with building an emergency fund so that you have enough money for unprecedented necessities. Once this aspect is set, you can focus on saving for other purposes. Besides, you can try your hands on investments so to ensure growth of your money.
This is about devising a financial planning and acting upon it. You will then, have an arrangement in place to help you to go ahead with your goals. At the same time, you will have the assurance than you have a cash reserve to manage crisis.
This is a sense of financial security that can make you happy and focus on the other happiness of your life. You will reach a certain position when you can make stable financial decisions.
· Think beyond money to be happy
Think of the times when you were a child, and you were happy without knowing anything about money. This clearly shows how money is less significant to be delightful. Try to have experiences that can turn you into a happier person.
Spend time with your near and dear ones, as this is the most inexpensive way to be happy. You can even plan a small trip somewhere close so that you all can have a wonderful time together. It is alright if you are ambitious enough to earn more money, but allow yourself to be around your family.
For that matter, you can even plan some outings with your friends. You will see how, without even spending a penny, you can have a blissful time with your pals.
The bottom line
The reason why financial fitness should value more is because you will then, be prepared for any challenging situation. Neither will you get trapped in a poor credit situation nor will you need costly borrowing options. You can skip getting secured loans for bad credit and still, you can eliminate a significant financial problem.
Although you can get substantial funds to settle bulkier debts with these loans, you have your own resources in place. You can avoid the burden of additional fees. This can only be possible if you maintain your financial fitness instead of using money to be happy with materialistic aspects.