I hope this can reach someone who is under the impression The Great Reset is a made up fictional story. I don’t use the term “conspiracy theory” because usually a conspiracy is coined to brand & discredit free thinking & that's why people think it's a dirty thing or get offended if called one. But in actual fact it's just that you pay full attention & are not easily influenced.

I want to connect with people on a personal level, to discuss with respect & compassion. I don’t care if you don’t agree with me, but if it makes you mad or a “I don’t wanna know about it” attitude maybe it’s because if you open your mind to these truths & possibilities it will make you question life & everything you've been lead to believe by MSM & Governments, some ppl rather stay ignorant I guess.

Okay, back to The Great Reset, it’s right there for you to see via the World Economic Forums website.

Here I share with you the section that has the micro breakdown of the areas they wish to implement- globally- which makes Th3 Gr3at R3$et.

A quote directly from their site:
“There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the C0 V-1D-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting Th3 Gr3at R3$et initiative”.
& one from the hell-ish horror movie character himself, K4RL Schwab- “The P4ndem1c represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine & rest our world”.

They ARE taking ADVANTAGE of this ”event” to create a WORLD governance & create a next level surveillance with digital id’s & social credit systems.

If you think this is “fake” I’m very sorry for you, but it’s the reality of their plight.

If you believe there is nothing dubious about their plans, have a read of their “Transformation map”…. & do a bit of “duckduckgo’ing” (search engine) do some reading on who Karl Schwab actually is. Such a wonderful caring kind human ? *insert sarcasm*.

But as always, take my opinion & thoughts with a grain of salt.

Make your own informed decisions, always look deeper than a headline.

Keep your mind open, & never stop asking questions.?

Above all else, be happy regardless of the unfolding rubbish in our world.
Laugh. Make the most of what time we have now. Speak up & support the causes you care about, with good intent. Keep it real & be kind.

Love Loz Chai x

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