2/2ANR Chief, says get to Canberra, as he packs his bag to head there himself .and prepares to send the ANR Media bus , and more reporters ,to prepare to be there ,until the Sco Mo Government falls. And Barnaby Joyce tried to resign - for calling Sco Mo a liar, and a hypocrite- why Barnaby apologise- he is . How about you tell him the Nationals are leaving to form a Coalition with the United Australia Party , One Nation and Independents to create a political revolution in Australia and desert the sinking and stinking ship of Sco Mo . And achieve something useful.Any party that doesn’t denounce the deadly vaxx rollout, and respect the wishes of most Australians, to not have been forced and lied to ,and co erced and bullied into taking a “ death shot” , that will kill and injure millions of innocent Australian’s, and 5 -11 year old kids , stop young women ever having babies , cause miss carriages in pregnant mums, and killed granny already ,which they used as a fake Covid death, to ramp up fear and deadly misinformation to blame on Covid to boost vaccine sales for Pfizer and co www.anrnews.com
Karen McGlinchey
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