NAZI IDEOLOGY was created by the TEMPLAR YORK RITE FREEMASONS a German Branch known as the #thulesociety is the TEMPLAR JESUIT ROSICRUCIAN THULE who discovered #adolfhitler as a 75Kg CORPORAL fresh out of his JESUIT EDUCATION & shaped him into the #furher & Chancellor Of Germany & he used all the TEMPLAR ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLISM of the #blacktemplarcross (aka IRON CROSS) the #pheonix #wingedgod #swaztika even the SS #lighteningstrikes & even used the BLACK SUN & he resided in MASONIC CASTLE in the shape of the COMPASS & SQUARE where the BLACK SUN SS OCCULT would meet & it's their connection to the GERMAN TEMPLAR TOWN OF BAYREUTH the TEMPLAR TOWN THAT SPAWNED THE NAZI CULT.
Some people might challenge this based upon a REWRITING OF HISTORY that he hated #freemasonry & Ransacked certain MASONIC LODGES but this was a 'STRUGGLE FOR CONTROL BETWEEN KHAZARIAN ILLUMINATI LODGES & THE TEMPLAR LODGES' which also happened in FRANCE #frenchrevolution & even in SOUTH AFRICA which was similar to what has happened within ISLAM. Yes the Connections to ISLAM are so extensive that starts with #meinkampf which means #mystruggle (JIHAD) which was CO WRITTEN or CO AUTHORED BY JESUIT PRIEST & the JESUIT #oathofinduction Swears to SPARE NONE TO CREATE THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER Not unlike the GLOBAL ISLAMIC CALIPHATE, or the fact that HITLERS IMAM #muftiofjerusalem & the SS HANDSAR DIVISIONS OF MUSLIMS which HITLERS PHYSICIAN claimed they were 'CAUCASIAN' & you don't have to look very far to find #templarblackcrosswithswords & which IDEOLOGY WANTS TO CONQUER THE WHOLE WORLD BY DECEPTION & THE SWORD & the Whole World realized that HITLER'S AGENDA WAS GLOBAL DOMINATION BY DECEPTION & THE SWORD.
Then you'll see that many FREEMASONS funded HITLER including STANDARD OIL supplying 'OIL & ADDITIVES' to keep the German War Machine Rolling, Henry Ford supplying ENGINES for TANKS & PLANES, even the ROYAL FAMILY clearly supported the NAZI IDEOLOGY, as did #switzerland that FLYS THE #templarflag & claimed to be NEUTRAL as a cover for Supporting them via #masonicsecretsocieties & when you see HITLER DRESSED IN FULL MASONIC DRESS COMPLETE WITH MASONIC APRON CHAINS & CUFFS that it removes all doubt.

Colin Aitken
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