When Death Ends Life, Nobody Knows
By: ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier
Date: January 4 th 2012

Each human being is able to come to know death only alone, whereby even in the best situation of life, there is no certainty that life continues to persist and is not suddenly ended through some incident. Even when many a human being is of the belief, which is always ambiguous in each and every case, that he himself/she herself or somebody else is far from being caught up to by death and will still have a long life, this is absolutely no assurance that it also will be like that. Even when the best health is given, death can occur suddenly through some failure of an organ, through an accident or otherwise through a deadly outside influence. Normally, when an absolutely deadly illness with a predictable date of death does not exist, nor a suicide, nor when a death penalty is implemented through the crime of a state, then with regard to one’s own person or another person, it also cannot be said when the last step must be taken, and death must be entered into. But irrespectively, if it becomes evident that, by means of and based in belief, something is assumed with respect to one’s own death or the death of another human being, then it is based merely on conjectures, which as a rule are to be called not very intelligent.

This is an unofficial and unauthorized translation of a FIGU publication. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and American-English.
Original Source: https://shop.figu.org/sites/de....fault/files/gewichti
American-English Translator: Marilyn Kopczyk

The Heralds of the sevenfold Nokodemion- Herald-line
Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)




"Billy' Eduard Albert Meier/BEAM" Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion
