FIGU – Open Letter 10

To all Human Beings,
Leaders and Rulers of the Earth

What is most urgently necessary, however, is first and foremost to drastically stop the further growth of overpopulation by means of a globally controlled birth regulation, because the more human beings there are on Earth, the greater and more comprehensive all the problems among the human beings themselves will become, as well as in relation to the destruction of the climate and nature, consequently the problems, and indeed all of them, will become more and more insoluble the longer they last.
13th March 2011 Semjase Silver Star Centre
‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier

FIGU – Offener Brief 10

An alle Menschen,
Verantwortlichen und Regierenden der Erde

Dringendst notwendig aber ist in erster Linie, das Weiterwachsen der Überbevölkerung drastisch zu stoppen durch eine weltweit kontrollierte Geburtenregelung, denn je mehr Menschen auf der Erde existieren, desto grösser und umfassender werden alle Probleme unter den Menschen selbst, wie aber auch in bezug auf die Klima- und die Naturzerstörung, folglich die Probleme, und zwar restlos alle, je länger je mehr immer unlösbarer werden.
13. März 2011, ,Semjase-Silver-Star-Center
'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier

Sporadic Publication: 3rd Year, No. 10, April 2011
Translator(s): DeepL Translator
Date of original translation: Sunday, 24th July 2022
Corrections and improvements made: Joseph Darmanin

Billy BEAM was all true Heralds from Nokodemion Line
Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life
The 7 Heralds: Henoch (Enoch) → Elia (Elijah) → Jesaja (Isaiah) → Jeremia (Jeremiah) → Jmmanuel (Immanuel) → Muhammad (Mohammed) → Billy (BEAM)



Ban-Srut BEAM - Last Herald - Line of Nokodemion
