Well here I am...

If this turns out to be what I think it ought to be..
Ill be posting some very controversial topics.
I consider some of the topics & posts that I have in mind to be unequivocally immutable; as much as the law of gravity. But, I would never post them on Facebook because SOME family, SOME friends and SOME peers of mine, don't all share the same attitude /opinion as I do.

I also look forward to expressing opinions unapologetically on various topics. I'm known to be blunt, a little abrasive but I know how to get peoples attention!

And lastly, whether this is the place for it or not? I do not know yet. ..But perhaps a little bragging, errggh errghh Correction--.CELEBRATING THE RESULTS OF HARD WORK!! . . some wins and sharing with the world the new car I just bought, the luxurious holiday I just went, staying in a mansion, travelling 1st class or whatever..without judgement from peers! Wouldn't it be nice if all your peers just congratulated you, instead of getting jealous /resentful of trying to cut you down like that tall poppy all the time??!!

Stay tuned!
Please send me a friend request. For the time being I will accept all friend requests.