From another group

I'm an RN in a GP practice in Australia. Just last week I took delivery of the usual monthly govt. vaccine order, and discovered a new childhood vaccine had been added to the National Immunisation Program (NIP). It's called VAXELIS, and is an "alternative" to Infanrix Hexa, given to babies at 2, 4, and 6 months for DTPa, hepB, polio & HIB..
No doctors or nurses have been given any details about Vaxelis, other than its interchangeability with Infanrix Hexa.
So....I checked out the official Product Information for Vaxelis, and found that it's s a ribosomal DNA vaccine.
How DARE they introduce a genetic vaccine into the NIP without telling anyone!
I'm warning every parent that comes in with a baby about it, and I've told the practice manager that I refuse to administer it until the NIP provides details regarding clinical trials, safety data, and an explanation for their underhanded behaviour.
This is bloody ridiculous.
Up until 3 years ago, before ??? changes to the NIP schedule, all immunisers had to attend some form of education, ie: workshop run by local Public Health, or an online lecture or learning module, usually with an included assessment with an 100% pass mark to attain before being deemed qualified to continue immunising.
Since this whole covid bulldust started, there's been several schedule changes to the NIP, with only a brief email notification, which only benefits the nurse on duty when it arrives, who invariably pins it up on the vax fridge for everyone to ignore. Considering how fastidious they've been in the past, even with simple schedule changes, this is just bizarre.
But the fact that they've actually included a new vaccine into the NIP, and a genetic one to boot, with NO information, NO safety data, NO studies cited, is just bloody criminal!

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