Your hard work may go unnoticed for a long time, but eventually the results of it can’t be ignored.  

My hard work ethic at the car wash is what prompted the lady to offer me a job in mortgages.  

Often times hard work goes unnoticed because the person doing the hard work is too busy working hard to spend time telling you how hard they are working.  

Lazy people, on the other hand, love to tell you about any amount of work they did and how hard it was for them.  

Lazy people are loud. They love getting maximum credit for the minimum effort they put in.  

You may be out there working, head down, busting your ass and feel like no one cares.  

Meanwhile you see lazy people being loud and getting the proverbial pat on the back.  

I’m here to tell you that if you keep working hard eventually you will not be ignored and you will get paid for all your efforts.  

He who does more than he is paid to do will soon be paid for more than he does.  

Stay focused.  
Stay humble.  
Run the score up  
They can’t ignore you forever.  
Let your work speak for you  

Rise Above ?
