Did the Western dictators tell you Putin was a dictator ?
And you believed them .
Putin has a 80% approval rating - is honest and transparent with his people - takes questions - even speaks to hostile military bloggers and hostile western propaganda channels - he isn’t perfect but he is articulate and intelligent and highly educated about history and is a nationalist that cares deeply for his country. He has turned Russia from a wreck being the Soviet Union, ( which the R family made a communist nation- not the Russian people ) into a low debt , massive cash surplus and strong nation . He supports a multi polar world, and isn’t running around the world starting wars unlike some . He is entitled to defend his borders and defend the Eastern Ukrainian regions that asked for help against the Ukrainian Nazi attacks since 2014. He tried for 8 years for peace in Ukraine but the West refused . They lie to dumbed down westerners that Russia somehow started the war, when they are finishing the war once and for all.
The US starts wars everywhere, and who is the leader apparently of the US and West?
Joe f.. Biden
And that’s whose side you are on
He is a loser as are all Western puppet leaders.
Not one is loved by their people or even elected by a majority in the West.
Russia has its issues,but it is a modern democratic nation that doesn’t interfere in elections around the Globe, and Putin is no Oligarchs little bitch . Facts you will have trouble handling as by your comments will reflect as you continue to spew forth western propaganda and label the truth Russian propaganda
We in the West are so deluded we.
1. Think we live in a democracy -
Show me a non rigged election in the US or west that Soros hasn’t cheated ?
2. How can we think Joe Biden isn’t a puppet, and a little bitch to his western oligarch masters
So let’s have Putin and Joe Biden have an intellectual debate about facts
And I’ll bet you your house that Putin would win.
Anyone can put up $1 million on Joe Biden winning, and I’ll take the bet Putin would destroy him.
The west is run by intellectual weaklings.
A sad indictment of how far the west has fallen - cesspool of corruption run by Satanic Globalists psychopaths that manipulate the weak and insecure in the west so easily - they tell them to post “ Stand with Ukriane “ and like mind controlled morons they do without a single question, as they are so insecure they so desperately want to belong to the herd they post anyone and inject anything just to not be shamed but accepted . Such weaklings - no spine - no ability to question the propaganda- only the ability to spew it ignorantly everywhere like an imbecile like Joe F .. Biden
Putin defends traditional values
What does Biden defend
Transgenders full access to our children’s libraries to push that men can be women and a mental illness is trendy and pedaphile men can enter little girls bathrooms at school and if you don’t agree you a transphobic and it’s hate speech crime that’s now a jailable offence even in Australia
And it’s ok to kill not just full term babies,but new born and sell their body parts to the highest bidder and their blood.
It’s ok to murder our elderly in aged care homes
The west is sick
That’s why I no longer live in the West.
It’s loserville central.
I back a new future in this sick world.
That’s the rise of the BRICS and a multi polar world
The alternative is a One World Government which is a one world Corporation ie Blackrock and co ruling the world with a slave coin called a CBDC and social credit score linked to a digital ID and 15 min cities
Sicko pedo’s
Australian National Review
We don’t support sick Globalist woke virus agenda
We support the children of the wild being protected and having a future
Who do you support
Biden or Putin ?
The west or the BRICS?
One world Government or a multipolar world ?
#ukrainerussianwar #biden #woke #us #trump
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