Let’s not forget the one Australian that is dying every 15-20 minutes, excess death since the deadly Vaccine roll out your politicians and Tv presenters pushed upon the public for money.
Globally it’s 1 death every 4-6 seconds. The sad news is this is accelerating. Not only will the Government and Globalists propaganda channels masquerading as news channels( think CNN,BBC, ABC,Channel 7,9,10 and the newspapers ) desperately lie to your face even more to cover the deaths up by spinning it that they died of Bs19, not the deadly vaxxes, but they are banking millions to do so.
What should happen to these sell outs, who took money to manipulate or force your loved ones into a suicide death shot for a rebrand of a flu that was not more deadly then an annual flu.
#diesuddenly #diedsuddenly #australia
Linda Summer
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