Have you realised yet that all the political commentators, alternative news channels, activist sites, petition organisers, health advocates, freedom fighters, protestors, natural law experts, constitutional lawyers etc. etc. are absolute idiots?
These fools are constantly crapping on about the evil bastards destroying every element of Life as we have known it.
The sheople are addicted to the endless information and narratives they are spewing regarding how our rights and freedoms are being taken away at an ever-increasing rate.
Imagine if all the high-profile people like Tucker Carlson, Stew Peters, Russell Brand, standing politicians, actually WOKE UP and started sharing clear answers instead of all their swill.
How many more years of shocking news updates, whistleblower reports, podcast episodes, interviews with experts etc. is it going to take for humanity to get off its ass and take action?
These pathetic talking heads have done nothing more than trick people into believing that possessing such knowledge is power.
It is in fact just another form of brainwashing, and only serves to soothe the minds of those foolish enough to resist evil.
Hacking at the branches of evil will never yield a favorable result, because two heads will grow back for each one we remove.
The only way to be victorious is to strike the root of all evil.
We do this by withdrawing ALL of our attention and energy away from the existing system and creating an entirely new one.
I have spoken to many experts of the different 'laws' and they are deluded into thinking that they can beat them at their own game.
They believe you have to spend a lot of time and money to reclaim your sovereignty - by doing absolutely ludicrous things like dissolving your birth certificate, learning all the legalese etc.
It is all a complete waste of time and energy, and it is exactly what the Illuminati want you to do - so stop falling into their traps.
The Truth is, nothing in the current system is worthy of a comment.
We only need to work together to consciously and deliberately create a new paradigm.
We just need to flick the switch to instantly put an end to the old story.
When we all do this together, the entire world we live in will change within weeks.
Two years ago, I proposed a document to usher in this new paradigm - The Universal Declaration of Independence and Sovereignty.
When you take everything into account, you will eventually realise that this is the only way we will ever get our rights and freedoms back.
It is time to choose a life of empowerment instead of living like a prisoner or slave.
Please honour the Universal Truth that resides within us all, and start living and sharing only the information that will liberate us.