Why can’t the Governments Globally prove Covid 19 actually exists and has been proven to have been isolated ? Not just claims it has without evidence or dodgy fraudulent science to deceive the public .

Australian National Review is offering $100,000 in crypto to the the first person to prove the existence of Sars2 Covid 19 and that it’s responsible for the claimed 8 million deaths.

Let me predict that no will ever be able to. Which leads to an obvious conclusion . Mmm where are the weapons of mass destruction again they claimed were in Iraq to start a war ? It’s not like they haven’t fooled the world many times before . Somewhat embarrassing for so many to fall for such an easy scam, and never ask for the proof I mean to ask for proof,must make you a conspiracy theorist says those that spread the conspiracy theory that Covid 19 was a Global Pandemic that required Global Communism,martial law, mass injections and mass tracking ,and that somehow it came from a bat in a wet-market, despite the market never selling such things ? #bs19 #covid19 #diedsuddendly #pfizerexposed