Apparently, according to our wonderful, and very concerned government, 1 in 3 adults will get shingles during their lifetime.
Having been a nurse for 37 years, a significant portion of which time was spent in ED. I can assure you that shingles is considered a very uncommon issue that mostly elderly people have to deal with. That is, until the last 12 months.
Shingles is caused by the reactivation of any the herpes virus which normally causes chickenpox, cold sores or genital warts. So if you have previously had the joy of suffering any of these symptoms and you are convid jabbed, especially with an MRNA concoction, you can look forward to enjoying other symptoms in the coming 5 years.
Its been medically accepted for the past 50 or so years that Virus' normally die off or become useless after around 7 years of being inactive. If you come into contact with the same virus again later in life it then effects you differently, this is why it affects the grannies and great grannies so much, the primary school kids come into contact with the virus and generously share it around, (before mum even knows they are sick) Natural immunity of the older generation- who all were sent to chickenpox parties as kids, means that the virus has to get hold anywhere it can, and usually causes a painful rash which does not go away quickly, sometimes causing issues for the full 7 years of its lifecycle.
However with the daily changes being made to human DNA following the experimental injections, it is noticeable now that the rates of diagnosis for shingles is starting to rise and the affected age group is dropping significantly.
Now is this rise actually due to reactivation of previous virus? or is it a convenient diagnosis for something brand new that has been caused by the MRNA injections? Since the diagnosis is made by a medic, based ONLY on what he sees combined with the information in his head, my personal thoughts are that its likely the latter, especially since the government are working very hard to convince us all that it is and always has been common.
Hydroxychloroquine, Glutothiamene and NAC are all successful products for removing most of the heavy metals and microparticles (nanobots) that were placed in these injections and, of which, we were not informed.
Stay safe and eat as much clean food as you can, grow your own where possible and filter all your drinking water.