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We are bringing to you the step-by-step processes involved in each of these related initiatives, so that you know exactly what is next.
Turning the Tables Series:

Week 1: 02/11/22 : Introduction to the Turning the Tables Series

Week 2: 09/11/22 : People’s Trusts

Week 3: 16/11/22: People’s Council

Week 4: 23/11/22: People’s Council continued (including roles & responsibilities of a mayor)

Week 5: 30/11/22: Property Title Deeds

Week 6: 07/12/22: Banking – Taking back control

Week 7: 14/12/22: The Constitution

Week 8: 21/12/22: International law

Week 9: 28/12/22: How did we get here? Bringing it all together.

After each meeting, we will send you a summary of the relevant action tasks to be completed.

Take action now.

Register your interest in the People’s Trust and People’s Council here
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