Ive recently been blown away over opioid addiction.. How it can affect anybody. Absolutely anybody. People are quick to judge anyone in that position yet. They have no idea and those people aren't caught in that trap by accident.. Unfortunately. Yet they have to pay the price
All because they want to stop living in pain next thing they have an addiction they didn't see coming.
Anyway.. I just came across this article
Given how opioids were originally sold as a non addictive alternative ? using actual heroin. Anywho
This. This cannot be good. I said not anyone can just end up accidentally with a amphetamines addition as they can an opioid
I guess I was wrong because that's the kind of direction where I see this leading to.

Take a look please. Id love to hear anybodys thoughts.
Also dopesick on Disney plus. Worth a watch. That's where it began for me. Opened my eyes thats for sure

