Malcom Roberts will be speaking at the Brisbane Community Forum, Voting Matters about the lack of evidence for the climate change legislation on Tuesday 23 August at the Tingalpa Hotel in Brisbane. In the last sitting week in Canberra the House of Representatives passed this legislation to the Senate for consideration. If it passes the Senate it will commit Australia to a 45% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030. The goal is net zero by 2050. This legislation will come before the Senate in September and is likely to receive support from the Greens, Teals and some Independents.
There is zero evidence to justify the march towards net zero. There is plenty of evidence that demonstrates that renewables will never meet our energy requirements. To “save our planet” we are seeing a monumental destruction of the environment, from vast tracks of land covered in single-use unrecyclable solar panels to the removal of 14 million trees in Scotland for wind turbines. It is lunacy.
Join us for what is an urgent message; there is no evidence that carbon dioxide from human activity changes climate and there is no need for this legislation. Continuing down this path will lead to wholesale destruction.
Start time: 7pm
Tingalpa Hotel
1563 Wynnum Road
Entry is free, but a gold coin donation is appreciated.
Parking is available onsite and in the adjoining Kianawah Park.